CR005 LF EM4200 Reader Module
Basic Information

Low Frequency LF RFID Reader Module 125khz EM4200 EM4100 , 12cm range
CR005 is an 125K reader only module of EM4200 EM4100 TK4100 UART or Weigand Mode what have 3v or 5v option at samll size and low cost;
CR005 SERIES Proximity Reader Module
Proximity Reader Modules
Operational and Physical Characteristics:
Pin Description & Output Data Formats
CR005W01 = Wiegand26
CR005W02 = Wiegand26/34 Switch
CR005W03 = Wiegand34
Data Formats
CR005T-01 Output Data Structure– ASCII(RS232.TTL) 9600bps,N,8,1
[The 1byte (2 ASCII charaters) , LCR is the Longitudinal Redundancy Check.]
For Example: DATA : 62H E3H 08H 6CH EDH,LRC: (62H) XOR (E3H) XOR (08H) XOR (6CH) XOR (EDH)=08H,Output: 0X02 0X36 0X32 0X45 0X33 0X30 0X38 0X36 0X43 0X45 0X44 0X30 0X38 0X0D 0X0A 0X03
CR005T-02 Output Data Structure– ASCII(RS232.TTL) 9600bps,N,8,1
[The 1byte (2 ASCII charaters) , LCR is the Longitudinal Redundancy Check.]
For Example: DATA : 62H E3H 08H 6CH EDH,LRC: (62H) XOR (E3H) XOR (08H) XOR (6CH) XOR (EDH)=08H,Output: 0X02 0X36 0X32 0X45 0X33 0X30 0X38 0X36 0X43 0X45 0X44 0X08 0X03
CR005T-03 Output Data Structure– ASCII(RS232.TTL) 9600bps,N,8,1
[The 1byte (2 ASCII charaters) , LCR is the Longitudinal Redundancy Check.]
For Example: DATA : 62H E3H 08H 6CH EDH,
Output: 0X36 0X32 0X45 0X33 0X30 0X38 0X36 0X43 0X45 0X44 0X0D
CR005W Output Data Structure,For Example: Wiegand 26 bit
P(1):Parity Start Bit, 2-13 bit EVEN Parity bit
P(2):Parity Stop Bit, 14-26 bit ODD Parity bit
Data format
1:MSB send first
2:MSB first 12Bits a even check bit ,LSB 12 Bit an Odd check bit.